Its is a great privilege to write a message to our school website. RAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is an excellent school that provides students with quality education and a dear student centered environment both in the International and National streams.
“Good teaching provides, good progress”
We innovate methods to make learning fun, challenging and purposeful, and stress not only on the academic development but also personal development.
Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles to bring out their spiritual, moral and cultural abilities. These qualities would definitely help them to be a good human being, a helpful member of a community and a good citizen of the country.
I believe that though the education we provide, our children can discover their talents and prepare themselves to face new challengers of rapidly changing world. They excel in yoga, art & craft, dance, indoor- outdoor games and which some of the extra curricular activities.
RAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has dignity of being recognized as a registered Edexcel International school.
Keeping the facts of RAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL in mind, I sincerely assure that we would closely work with all students consistently and reach the highest award with continuous effort of Management , Principal and Academic and Administration staff of our RAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.
Radha Rathi